Runsewe commends Niger Republic for Sustaining Cross Boarder Security

The Director General, National Council for Arts and Culture, Otunba Segun Runsewe, (right) Presenting a gift to the leader of the delegation of the Superior Military College, Niger Republic, Col. Abdurasak Ben Ibrahim during their visit to NCAC headquarters in Abuja

The Republic of Niger have been commended for instituting a formidable military collaboration with Nigeria to enhance the security of life and properties along the boarder communities of both countries.

The Director General, National Council for Arts and Culture, Otunba Segun Runsewe made this commendation in his office when he hosted a delegation of senior Military Officers from the Superior Military College in Niger Republic who were in his office as part of their study tour of Nigeria.

Welcoming the Nigerean delegation, Runsewe said that apart from sharing common boundaries, both countries share similar values and ideals as common members of the United Nations (UN), International Monetary Fund (IMF), Lake Chad Basin Commission, Economic Community of West African State ( ECOWAS), African Union (AU) Organization of Islamic Community (OIC) etc.

The Director General, National Council for Arts and Culture, Otunba Segun Runsewe in a group photograph with the  delegates from Superior Military College, Niger Republic during their visit to NCAC headquarters in Abuja

He added that the existing bilateral relationship between Nigeria and Niger Republic has helped tremendously in tackling trans - border insecurity, illegal arms importation and smuggling. 

In his words " Niger, like Nigeria are also facing challenges of Boko Haram, insecurity and Jihadist movement and the multi national task force on insecurity between Nigeria, Republic of Niger, Chad and Benin Republic have yielded positive results".

Otunba Runsewe who is also the president of World Crafts Council for African Region revealed that Nigeria and Niger Republic have signed a bilateral agreement for the coordination of frequency utilization along their boarders to ensure seamless deployment of military services around and within the two countries.

He opined that a collaboration with the National Council for Arts and Culture on the areas of capacity building, youth empowerment and cultural exchange will further cement the existing relationship both countries share. 

Speaking earlier, the head of the Nigerean delegation Col. Abdulrasak Ibrahim expressed appreciation on the manner of culturally friendly reception accorded him and members of his delegation which according to him is a clear indication of the good attitude of Nigerians

Col. Ibrahim who spoke through an interpreter stated that the Nigerean delegation which consists of 10 supervising staff including Team leader, Directors and Administrative staff as well as 23 participants were on a study tour of Nigeria under the theme  " Military Cooperation and Cross Boarder Security" with Nigeria as a case study.

The Director General, National Council for Arts and Culture, Otunba Segun Runsewe receiving a plaque from the leader of the delegation from Superior Military College of Niger Republic during their visit to NCAC headquarters in Abuja recently

He revealed that a rewarding civil military relationship is often enhanced by the knowledge the Culture, norms and traditions of the environment under operation adding that despite the   multi ethnic, multi religious and multi cultural nature of Nigeria, she is able to harness her diversity to meet the challenges of national integration, unity and development. 

" The component of Culture is what is needed to manage peace because as military men,  we work in areas with different cultures so we need to know these cultures to define our scope of engagement" he said.

The head of delegation expressed confidence that the experience and knowledge they have gathered, at the end of this study will enhance their opinions when they get back to their country.

The highlights of the courtesy visit was an exchange of gifts from the visitors and their host.
